Have you ever looked for a house?
Many who have; say it isn’t as sexy as we tend to glamorize buying a house to be. Well, that isn’t the case here.
Hear me out…
Ryan and I weren’t looking to move. We knew we eventually wanted to buy a home together – but – we were not in any hurry. We loved the space (a little condo) we were in and the season of life it provided us. Simple. However, when my girlfriend called and said she found the perfect house for us. Well, the adventurous spirit in me decided to take a peek.
Dragging along my husband.
There is no harm in looking, right?
As we drove up to the house my eyes grew big and my heart thumped a little extra. Standing in front of us was the most adorable craftsman bungalow and precious front porch.
I have a thing for front porches.
Of course, Ryan was ‘cool and distant’. He didn’t bat an eye at this charming home I was gushing over. He was doing this more to entertain me. Having zero intention to sign on any dotted line.
As we walked through the house, I felt an overwhelming sense that this was the place for us. I knew without a doubt this would be the home we would start our family in. Ryan, on the other hand, saw things that needed to be fixed – or – weren’t up to his standard. Basically honey-do lists.
After we left, sitting in the car, he kindly asked me why I loved the house so much. My reply, “I can see our first family photo on that front porch.”
The next day, after only a day on the market, multiple offers were flooding in. My girlfriend texted me saying we needed to act fast if we wanted the house. After pleading with Ryan, the chances of this happening were slim.
At least I thought…
Secretly, Ryan submitted an offer {along} with a letter to the owner. In it, he told the owner how he didn’t want the house. He’s brutally honest folks ?. However, his wife LOVED the house and she imagined starting our family there.
Needless to say, we got the house. Even though our offer wasn’t the strongest, our “why” was.
Over the past two years here we have created an amazing life together. Full of love, laughter, tears, struggles, arguments, successes, gatherings, and lots of snuggling. Memories that will last us a lifetime.
Want a glimpse of what I saw that day we first pulled up to that house – which has now become our home…